Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

Unforgetable Experience

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh..
Catatan ini kutemukan di laptop ku, agak kaget juga.
Karna tulisan ini ada sejak bertahun yg lalu.
Sewaktu masih Kuliah di Jakarta.
Jadi, maaf aja ya, bahasa inggris nya masih yah begitulah :P
Yang terpenting, semoga pesannya nyampe :D 
yang terpenting, ada memori yg tersimpan disini.
yg terpenting, ini cuma penyelesaian salah satu tugas kuliah aja.
Heuheuheu XD  

 Unforgetable experience

It was happened years ago..
And it was like nightmare for me.
When my parents doesn’t at home in whole one month.
And my sisters which has mysterious friend has invites them come home.
It becomes nightmare for me, Because she has an actived sixth sense.
Once time, At 7 pm she came suddenly with tears and pale face. Said : “assalamualaikum” she appearance with shocked face exactly take a seat.
We were asked : “what the matters with u?”

But she just sillent for a moments then open her mouth up.
She began telling stories, “ In the street im ride on pedicab to reach here,
and comes 2 man appearingly in the dark, give us stopped sign and ‘pedicab man’ exactly follows what they want.
Pedicabers was stopped in the dark which fullness with
2 mysterious man came to me and ask me to pick off my jewel in my neck, hand and leg.
I Become afraid but I gave nothing for them.
They get mad to me and threaten with his sharpness knife
Immediately I took down my own jewelry … “

 The stories not stop until here, but we were waiting her respiring and drinking.
She began to crying againt and againt..
I become afraid with her paleness face ,
Because.. if she crying and never stop, her twelve unseens friend will come to my house !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( im sure )
Uh.. my mommy didn’t here.. help!
She starts her stories againt,
With smilling face, smirked, and sometimes cried.. againt!
Telling her jewelry histories, how the way she got it.
And more impressed things inside her jewelry..
Times flies away as an arrows, he began have an empty talk
she used daydream in hours and I’d really in anxiousness corner.

My frightened becomes real,
She really  in her seat but not really her soul, goes to anywhere I thought
And suddenly, she laughed.. laughed.. laughed.. so loudly
She do much more stupid things, more than I estimated.

I have got surprised but still can control myself because I have approximating it in hours ago.. But I don’t know what should I do.. My Elder sisters not here,
my servant was unconscious,  my second sister has gone ( she felt discouraged)
im alone.. alone.. at home. 

finally,  I was in a really bad feelings which mixed by angry, disappointed, giveup and blank.. I pick up phone and call my sisters friend to pick me up . 

yeah, I ran away that night.. 10 minutes later ( which felt like 10 hours ) The car came, and without open garage and no chat chit im immediatly enter to the car.. and take a deep breath inside car and said “go please!” at the same time she ( her unseen friendswhich inside herself) screaming loudly in the window, forbid me to go.

But im gone at that time.

Daily activity

Woke up at 8am then drinking.., Switch on tv, watching in half hour.
Tired of watching, switch on computer and listening music from classical song until linking park, try to completely remove my past.

Poured out hot water mixed it by cold water until warm and drinking for getting sweat.
While listening music and dringking, im washing my dress (spent for in half and hour )
I have no appetite to take my breakfast..  
Afterwards, I dry up dresses, sweep off the floor, mop the floor and taking warm water againt.. yeah, for any sweat I need to recover my allergic.

10am cooked rice and frizzling one egg for my simply lunch and having warm water to drink. I became perspiring..
15 minutes later, at 10.15 am I have an exercise, making more sweaty in my whole body because in two – three hours later it would be daylight and my allergic seems appear if im not  doing sports well-regulated. 

So, Im doing exercise (sport) in a quarter, enough for make my cheek became florid.

Half past twelve, take a seat by warm water still in my hand, im satisfied with overflow sweaty in my whole body, take a breath deep, relaxing by much more songs I love and tried to trained my diaphragm as well as I read holly quran, but I don’t know why, it seems more easily used my diaphragm when I sing a song than read holy quran, I really don’t know why.

It will gaves me good influence in my body and soul, more healthy than before, hopefully. Simple, easier, and cheapest.

Twelve o’clock, praying, and after that gaves any nutrition foods for my brain and stomach.

One o‘clock  sleeping until 3 o’clock then praying. Watching movies (dvd). News and many other entertaint segment.
Quarter past three start to sport againt after finished drinking warm water.
4 o’clock taking a shower, get my body fresh and drop some fragnance.

Half past four already get dressed and go to walk outside home but not to high road.
Six o’clock return home and praying. Watching tv until eight o’clock.
Then take my dine and at  half past eight im playing zuma games in my computer until bored at nine o’clock.
Afterwards, singing in one hour and go sleep…

 My family

Every person has a different character and behaviour, my family had many kinds of it. Sanguinis, choleric, phlegmatic also melancholic. But sanguinis dominant for our character.

First brother, elder brother is Dody, has sanguinis type, cheerful, artistic spent his time for much more joke and joke..

secondly is my sister which called wil, she has pretty face, motherlike personality. She has melancholic dominant herself. She always used her tears in every problems she has.

Thirdly is my sister thya, melancholic, choleric, sanguinis inside herself. Appears by
Her critical mind also smart opinion while any discuss family we ever had. Also have an empatism heart. Have an ability in speaking English language well for oral both written. Love to dance and ever become practical teaching for  her school cheerleaders junior team. And so more..

Forth is my sister called by kiki or QQ, she is choleric person. Indicate by  her boyish and sportif style. frankly speaking and so more.

Fifth is ayu. But in outside home she called by Nina with her friends. Have Long black hair, smart, interest in math and scouting. She has choleric, melancholic personality. ( all of my family love  jollygames in scouting also the scout itself  )

Sixth its me, I love dance swimming and reading a lot. In 7th years old until twelve years old I was a dancer called by ballerina. Dance in every events at hotel in medan city, it such a nice and bitter moment that I ever had. Why bitter ? in 7th years old it used to be much more games arounds me but I used to substitute it by my whole competitive world. Rivalry by chinnese communities, full of trick. Hahaha.. so dramatic !

Last is my lovely naughty little brother call by iman or PHB. He is sanguinis+Choleric person completely. Funny and bravely without any consideration to solve problems.

Anyway, I love them more than I guess.
A lot of difference between us, making me more wise, and sociable.
Thanks god for many kinds of colour you had given me intermediatery which called FAMILY.

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